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Torneo de la amistad Cat libre

Last update 25.02.2024 22:21:16, Creator/Last Upload: Faustino Ramon Munoz Galindo

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Starting rank list

1Perez, Dorantes Carlos Alberto5150981MEX1951Campeche
2Hidalgo Morales, Juan Antonio5105021MEX1915Campeche
3Munoz, Cruz William5126061MEX1673Campeche
4Cejas, Martinez Ivan JesusMEX1630Campeche
5Gomez, Velazquez Nestor Josue5144809MEX1620Campeche
6Rodriguez Torres, Shirley Isabel5119472MEX1605Tabasco
7Abreu, Mateo Miguel AngelMEX1510Campeche
8Hau, Cruz Carlos RenatoMEX1493Campeche
9Arjona, Cortes Alan RobertoMEX1483Campeche
10Gual, Michi Yurem AlessandriMEX1440Campeche
11Gual, Michi Yanni Alexandra5166411MEX1436Campeche
12Herrera, Navedo Rafael AlonsoMEX1422Campeche
13Graniel, Flores Fernando FrMEX1386Campeche
14Calderon, Barrera Angel GabrielMEX1375Campeche
15Sanchez, May Josias Rafael5171237MEX1361Campeche
16Guerrero, Garcia EdgarMEX1348
17Dorantes, Ameca Julio AlexanderMEX1339Campeche
18Garcia, Bustamante Carlos AlbertoMEX1336
19Sanchez, May Jhoany Rubi5171229MEX1324Campeche
20Solis, Cruz Violeta AndreinaMEX1312Campeche
21Cambrano, Centurion Heidi Betsaida5170842MEX1289Campeche
22Gual, Michi FatimaMEX1289Campeche
23Aguirre, Saenz Edgar AlejandroMEX1286Campeche
24Lopez, Morales Alexis AdalbMEX1050Campeche
25Abreu Gongora, Miguel AngelMEX0
26Avila Santos, Isaias AaronMEX0
27Cruz Estevan, Rafael UrielMEX0
28Cruz Reyes, RaulMEX0
29De Luna Olivo, Aileen ValeriaMEX0
30Gonzalez Bautista, Maria FernandaMEX0
31González Velázquez, Moisés JohanMEX0
32Juarez García, BaltazarMEX0
33Lopez Gonzalez, AlejandroMEX0
34López Sánchez, Franco AlbertoMEX0
35Mendoza Linares, AngelMEX0
36Peña Ramos, Dennis BarucMEX0
37Perez Toledano, AngelMEX0
38Rodriguez Martinez, AlanMEX0
39Vazquez Cortes, Alessandro FaridMEX0
40Vidal Bracamontes, André VidalMEX0