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First Open Rapid Chess Tournement 2024- India Community

Seinast dagført24.02.2024 19:06:19, Creator/Last Upload: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation

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1Aakarsh, JhaIND0
2Aarsh, JhaIND0
3Anirudh, NagellaIND0
4Chinmay, thakreIND0
5Daivik, PradeepIND0
6Dr Deepak, KumarIND0
7Frederick, JonathanIND0
8Gopalakrishnan, ManicandanIND0
9Jeevaprakash, SainathanIND0
10Joel, MathewIND0
11Johans, MathewIND0
12Keshav, ChhabraIND0
13Leonard, JonathanIND0
14Pradeep, KumarIND0
15Santhosh, KumarIND0
16Vennila, EluriIND0