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CFKR Rapid Chess Tournament 2024 Feb 최강 래피드 체스 챔피언전 24년 2월

Seinast dagført24.02.2024 14:16:11, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1Park, Seonjae13213768KOR1799
2WFMPark, Sunwoo13203320KOR1747
3Kim, Taewoo A13204386KOR1678
4Bae, Sungwoo13203436KOR1672
5Jung, Inje34117226KOR1660
6Koo, Ryan Gyeong Mo4317149NZL1639
7Kim, Minjae13212397KOR1473
8Bae, Minseok13209272KOR1395
9Lee, Suhyuk13219685KOR1300
10Kim, Minjun F13223950KOR1290
11Kim, Yegeon13219022KOR1264
12Lee, Kangin13223810KOR1251
13Lee, Chanyul13224344KOR1241
14Son, Juwon13215698KOR1235
15Kang, Taehoon13217852KOR1224
16Lee, Chanhee13218441KOR1203
17Lim, Jihyuk13221159KOR1190
18Kwak, Joohwan13220977KOR1061
19Kim, Jaeha13219790KOR1122
20Brignon, Shiho653014677FRA1101
21Koo, Hayul13215884KOR1078
22Brignon, Shion653014685FRA1054
23Park, Juho13214594KOR1053
24Lee, Jiu13219910KOR1034
25Lee, Jeongjun B13216821KOR1019
26Ock, Seungheon13220861KOR1014
27Brignon, Regis653014731FRA1006
28Park, Junhoo13219839KOR1002
29Bae, Hyunjun13218042KOR0
30Chae, Junwoo13221361KOR0
31Cheong, Dohyun13223445KOR0
32Choi, Dawon13219006KOR0
33Choi, Yeonu13214560KOR0
34Dong, Ian13225499KOR0
35Heo, Yul13221493KOR0
36Jang, Jae Hun13225286KOR0
37Jin, Woojin13216996KOR0
38Jung, Ona13222104KOR0
39Kim, Geono13220640KOR1070
40Kim, HAjin13222317KOR0
41Kim, Jun Seo13222082KOR0
42Kim, Junho B13215540KOR0
43Kim, Minseong A13225561KOR0
44Ko, Kunwoo13223330KOR0
45Kwon, Jihoo13225430KOR0
46Lee, Eunhak13224883KOR0
47Lee, Jun Myeong13223763KOR0
48Lee, Jungwoo13213784KOR0
49Lee, Suho13217607KOR0
50Mun, Haebin13225529KOR0
51Nam, Jehyun13225600KOR0
52Nandinbold, Anir13220284KOR0
53Park, Dubyoung13223240KOR0
54Park, Junhyeok13224565KOR0
55Ryu, Junwoo13216031KOR0
56Shin, Hyeonseo13220870KOR0
57Son, Yuseong13219898KOR0
58Syn, Deokkyu13225278KOR0
59Syn, Jonghyun13218387KOR0
60Yang, Haeun13219901KOR0
61Yang, Hayeon13225316KOR0