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Campeonato Brasiliense de Xadrez STD Feminino 2023

Last update 25.02.2024 17:28:09, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

Starting rank list of players

4da Rocha, Nathalia CaetanoBRA01800Brasília (Df)
5De Carvalho, Cecilia Maria BarbacenaBRA01800Brasília (Df)
6De Lima, Ana Beatriz Castro MendesBRA01790Brasília (Df)
1Araujo, Barbara RibeiroBRA16351788Brasília (Df)
7Barbalho, Gislane SantosBRA01603Brasília (Df)
2Da Silva, Amanda Ketley DouradoBRA14811651Brasília (Df)
3Alves, Sarah Cristina Dos SantosBRA13521856Brasília (Df)