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Torneo Rapido Semanal del Club Rey Blanco de Tapachula Categoria Libre

Last update 23.02.2024 02:17:24, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Fuentes, Guzman Victor Hugo5104815MEX1824Chiapas
2Castillo, Garcia Jose AlfredoMEX1607Estado de Mexico
3Morales, Perez Felipe DamianMEX1606Chiapas
4De, Leon Velazquez Cesar MauricioMEX1523Chiapas
5Bock, Georg16205170GER1498
6Santiz, Perez MauricioMEX1448Chiapas
7Avendano, Angel Santiago AndreMEX1447Chiapas
8Rojas, Lopez Fernando UliseMEX1443Chiapas
9Castillo, Gomez Stefany BelenMEX1433Chiapas
10Rico, Soto Miguel EmilioMEX1376Chiapas
11Vasquez, Hernandez Juan Carlos29627265MEX1374Chiapas
12Bustos, Aquino Darien AlexisMEX1348Chiapas
13Perez, Cortez Juan AlbertoMEX1348Chiapas
14Escandon, Rodriguez JonathanMEX1331Chiapas
15Gonzalez, Perez MarioMEX1328Chiapas
16Guillen, Moreno Maria JoseMEX1272Chiapas
17Gomez, Sevilla Alex JavierMEX1259Chiapas
18Lopez, Zamora MiguelMEX1240Chiapas
19Espinoza, Gomez Sofia SarahiMEX1230Chiapas
20Castillo, Gomez Angel BartolomeMEX1094Chiapas
21Arrevillaga reyes, VladMEX0
22Cruz Escobar, Juan CarlosMEX0
23Mejia Galvez, DiegoMEX0
24Mendoza Luna, Jonatan miguelMEX0
25Perez Cruz, IancarloMEX0
26Reyes Cancino, Alicet AdeleMEX0
27Sanchez Barrios, Jorge EduardoMEX0
28Simota, CristianMEX0
29Soriano Martinez, karen XiomaraMEX0
30Zuniga Sanchez, ikerMEX0
31Osorio, Ramirez Jorge OsvaldoMEX1240Chiapas