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Chess Tournament 23 of February

Last update 23.02.2024 16:43:49, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar chess association (License 7)

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Starting rank

1Abdurakhmanov, Zokir0
2Balabanyan, Artem0
3Berlev, Vlad0
4Bologan, Platon0U10
5Selironchyk, Yahar0
6Gazizov, Ruslan0
7Ilyin, Alexey0U18
8Ilyin, Evgeniy0U10
9Djerbi, Mohamed0U10
10Ilyin, Alexander0
11Kazimov, Kamil0
12Kazimov, Nail0U18
13Khatib, Hassan0U10
14Popov, Anatoliy0
15Seletskii, Evgenii0
16Sobolev, Aleksey0
17Svetlichniy, Mihail0
18Torchinsky, Anna0U10
19Torchinsky, Alexander0U10
20Yem, Oleg0
21Yucel, Alp0U10
22Yurtaev, Andrey0