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The 11th LSH

Posledná aktualizácia 25.02.2024 10:48:31, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan366109475KOR1374
2YANG, Dongwoo13221841KOR1359
3YOUN, Hyeongjun13208918KOR1323
4JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1272
5LEE, Chase13211897KOR1252
6CHOI, Hyunbin13211382KOR1249
7KIM, Minjun C13206788KOR1234
8GIM, Hajin13217267KOR1225
9CHOI, Gyungsook13207415KOR1155
10JANG, Seungwoo13218875KOR1149
11MOON, Heesung13221639KOR1147
12CLIFTON, Alexander J39908690USA1036
13CHUNG, Jaeheon13221981KOR0
14CHUNG, Yeseo13223178KOR0
15Han, Yongsu13225308KOR0
16JEON, Hyeongho13220306KOR0
17KI, Youngbin13201514KOR0
18LEE, Haedeun13223186KOR0
19LEE, Rogyeom13213270KOR0
20YUN, Yangsun13223976KOR0