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2024 Barbados Under 14 Championship

Last update 18.02.2024 20:51:38, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1Jaikaran, AaronBAR1281
2Reifer-Belle, Chaz11105291BAR1141
3Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1100
4Stuart, Charis11106921BAR1001
5Archer, Isaiah11106336BAR0
6Bispham, AidenBAR0
7Blackett, Amari11106590BAR0
8Blackman, EricBAR0
9Browne, JaniyahBAR0
10Francis, RhysBAR0
11Greaves, ZiedeBAR0
12Griffith, Jonathan11105674BAR0
13Howell, AkodyBAR0
14Howell, JaydenBAR0
15Ifill, AaronBAR0
16Kitic, NikolaBAR0
17Little, Savion11106883BAR0
18Padmore, LashawnBAR0
19Reid, Nathan11105771BAR0
20Singh, AidanBAR0
21Straughan, Kyi-chaiBAR0
22Tash-Turton, AndrewBAR0
23Warner, SebastianBAR0
24Williams, CalebBAR0