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Kärntner Jugendcup Spittal 2024 -Schnellschach Gruppe B

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.04.2024 14:23:29, Creator/Last Upload: SG Gabor/HSV SPITTAL

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1Schoos, LucaAUT866U14
2Schoos, Riva1698834AUT847U12
3Kosnar, SimonAUT800U10
4Staudacher, Luca530000017AUT800U08
5Steiner, BenjaminAUT800U08
6Habibovic, ElmaSLO0U10
7Habibovic, ElminSLO0U12
8Moldvay, ThomasHUN0U12
9Muri, Andrej1697358AUT0U10