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Juegos CONADE 2024 etapa Municipal Cat sub 16 femenil

Last update 18.02.2024 22:40:52, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Sanchez, May Jhoany Rubi5171229MEX1357Campeche
2Gual, Michi FatimaMEX1317
3Dorantes, Arcique Dulce Cristell29613990MEX1284Campeche
4Solis, Cruz Violeta AndreinaMEX1284
5Casanova Suarez, AranzaMEX0
6Corona Uc, Dana KaleiMEX0
7Cruz Jimenez, MilissaMEX0
8De Luna Olivo, Aileen ValeriaMEX0
9Pech Ake, Genesis ElisabetMEX0