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Etapa Municipal de Huehuetan Nacionales CONADE 2024 SUB 16 Varonil

Last update 17.02.2024 21:49:22, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Nolasco, Palomeque ChristoperMEX1339
2Juan, Jimenez Miguel Ladislao5199522MEX1332Chiapas
3Solis, Vilchis AlfredoMEX1332Chiapas
4Hernandez, Espinoza Moises AdanMEX1328Chiapas
5Siu, Palacios DiegoMEX1318Chiapas
6Alvarez, Mateos Ian CarlosMEX1289Chiapas
7Villatoro, Garcia Angel KalebMEX1279Chiapas
8Lopez, Alvarez Carlos ManuelMEX1235Chiapas
9Marroquin, Velazquez Amir KalebMEX1174
10Cancino Alvarado, Carlos GaelMEX0
11Cancino Candelaria, Luis FernandoMEX0
12Lopez Agustin, MiguelMEX0