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Jito sports Carnival Rapid Chess Championship 2024 Category: M16-30

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.02.2024 10:26:22, Creator/Last Upload: Monish Sports World

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1Ajinkya, Jain350277431196
2Saurabh, Bedmutha487296981029
3Sujal, Jain450086391020
4Adesh, Oswal0
5Akash, Mehta0
7Chetan, Doshi0
8Dhruv, Jain0
9Hasmith, Nahar0
10Lokesh, Gandhi0
11Manan, Oswal0
12Naman, Chordia0
13Nirav, Mehta0
14Nishant, Dinesh Saitwal0
15Om, Gundecha0
16Riday, Rathod0
17Shrey, Mehta0
18Sourabh, Gandhi0
19Sudip, Bora0
20Suyash, Mahendra Sundecha0
21Swayam, Dhoka0
22Tanish, Pankaj Karnavat0
23Yash, Jain0
24Yash, Jain 75881-010090
25Yash, Runwal0