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2024 Welsh Under 11 Championship

Posledná aktualizácia 18.02.2024 14:59:16, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Štartová listina

1Zhuravlev, Andrei1806548WLS1504
2Zheng, Lucas1806327WLS1350
3Sarwar, Adam1806890WLS1171
4Popov, Constantine1807048WLS854
5Mandadapu, Raga Sreya1806521WLS850
6Deshpande, Abir1807935WLS608
7Thompson, George1807889WLS596
8Panchal, Aarush1808290WLS504
9Kharpas, Vihaan1808265WLS479
10Herath, Neili1808281WLS299
11Burton, Henry1808192WLS0
12Choung, James1808338WLS0
13Powell, Rohan1808249WLS0