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2024 Welsh Under 11 Championship Posledná aktualizácia 18.02.2024 14:59:16, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Zhuravlev, Andrei | 1806548 | WLS | 1504 |
2 | | Zheng, Lucas | 1806327 | WLS | 1350 |
3 | | Sarwar, Adam | 1806890 | WLS | 1171 |
4 | | Popov, Constantine | 1807048 | WLS | 854 |
5 | | Mandadapu, Raga Sreya | 1806521 | WLS | 850 |
6 | | Deshpande, Abir | 1807935 | WLS | 608 |
7 | | Thompson, George | 1807889 | WLS | 596 |
8 | | Panchal, Aarush | 1808290 | WLS | 504 |
9 | | Kharpas, Vihaan | 1808265 | WLS | 479 |
10 | | Herath, Neili | 1808281 | WLS | 299 |
11 | | Burton, Henry | 1808192 | WLS | 0 |
12 | | Choung, James | 1808338 | WLS | 0 |
13 | | Powell, Rohan | 1808249 | WLS | 0 |