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Campeonato Nacional Juvenil 2024 U-18 Femenino

Last update 25.02.2024 19:38:41, Creator/Last Upload: TheNewFox

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Starting rank

1WFMContreras Huaman, Fiorella3824675PER1949
2Vega Paucar, Emely Bachellet3836550PER1838
3WFMJimenez, Maria3843866PER1833
4Huayhuas Robles, Laura Sofia3836517PER1629
5WCMPescoran Machaca, Mariabelen Isabel3831744PER1513
6Orihuela Barreda, Alondra3833585PER1413
7Bermudez Goodrich, Nathalie Abigail3857883PER1339
8Burga Terrones, Julhiets81421575PER1339
9Chile Vela, Claudia Daniela3849171PER1220
10Frias Obregon, Anghie Elizabeth3839281PER1076
11Risco Montoya, Leyla Rosmery81433204PER0