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Last update 01.03.2024 16:04:32, Creator: Education license (until 31.12.2023),Last Upload: Kevin Sandoval Torres

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1Barrera Garcia, Gerardo BenjaminMEX0
2Chavez Macen, Carlos ManuelMEX0
3Chavez Roman, JimenaMEX0
4Cruz Briz, Angel GaelMEX0
5Flores Meza, Diego AlonsoMEX0
6Garcia, EvanMEX0
7Martinez Palomera Arce, PauloMEX0
8Monroy Yepis, Jose ArturoMEX0
9Muñoz Acees, David DemianMEX0
10Oceguera Gutierrez, Rodrigo GaelMEX0
11Orozco Felix, Eddy KaelMEX0
12Pacheco Morales, Luis SantiagoMEX0
13Peralta Moreno, Derek AndreMEX0
14Sanchez Vasquez, Cristian GabrielMEX0
15Sandoval Garrafa, Juan AlbertoMEX0
16Segoviano Duran, Francisco EmilioMEX0
17Silva Morales, Cesar MaximialinoMEX0
18Vazquez Aguilar, Angel RodrigoMEX0