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Kamal Naji Boys School Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.02.2024 09:11:46, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Federation

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1Abdulrahman, Khaled FayezSUD0
2Al Amode, ThaniQAT0
3Al Anzi, RashedQAT0
4Al Awadi, YousefQAT0
5Al Bahr, YousefQAT0
6Al Dawree, YahyaIRQ0
7Al Kaabi, HameedQAT0
8Al Kathiri, GhanemQAT0
9Al Kathiri, MohamedQAT0
10Al Kathiri, SultanQAT0
11Al Maadeed, KhalifaQAT0
12Al Sulaiti, YousefQAT0
13Heramee, Saad IsmailIRI0
14Husain, Mohamed AmerIRQ0
15Kanan, AbdulrahmanJOR0
16Kawsara, AdnanSYR0
17Khalaf, DawoodJOR0
18Khalaf, OsamaJOR0
19Mubark, MohamedQAT0
20Sedeek, AbdelhadyQAT0
21Shehata, MalekEGY0
22Bassam, AbdullaQAT0