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Championnat National Individuel U16

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.02.2024 11:28:55, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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1Rajap, Ahmed Asif9992332SRI1641Sch
2Salomeia, Mihai1274996ROU1614Dif
3Esmer, Kemal Eymen4007204LUX1521Ber
4Warde-Jones, Ben4008669LUX1510Dif
5Ortiz Bogdanov, Pablo4005945LUX1481Dif
6De Sousa Martinho, Vasco4008243LUX1302Dif
7Lavorato, Alexander4008162LUX1200Jun
8Doos, Muriel4006348LUX1200Ech
9Fernandes, NolanLUX1200Err
10Sheikh, Ahmed4008367LUX1200Ech