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Championnat National Individuel U08

Posledná aktualizácia 19.02.2024 11:24:15, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Pierron Bejan, Nicephore652048322FRA1271DIF
2Delanne Dominguez, LeoLUX1229BON
3Classen, Meara34626956GER1221SCH
4Solovev, Nikolai4007395LUX1200BER
5Mahendran, Mithran4008898LUX1200DIF
6Cogliati, BasileLUX1200LAT
7Chittumuru, HanishLUX1200DIF
8Sivashankar, Shrishti4008030LUX1200DIF
9Tafratova, YuliiaLUX1200DIF
10Laureano, MatteoLUX1200SCH
11Pierron Bejan, Elisa653022890FRA1200DIF
12Frisch, Gabriel4008405LUX1200MAN
13Dowgialo, FranciszekLUX1200MAN
14Chivakala, ArjunLUX1200DIF
15Stas Ceprika, YvesLUX1200DUD