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WWRR E-Group Posledná aktualizácia 15.02.2024 18:33:38, Creator/Last Upload: De Pluspion Wachtebeke
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
8 | | Declerck, Adriaan | 266892 | BEL | 1675 |
3 | | Bultijnck, Kristoff | 254975 | BEL | 1674 |
10 | | Karlioglu, Boran | 254681 | BEL | 1660 |
4 | | Visser, Wouter | 1082566 | NED | 1654 |
5 | | Zhang, Xiheng | 40102386 | NED | 1607 |
6 | | Ruben, Erik | 1032631 | NED | 1571 |
2 | | Frouws, Willem | 1005138 | NED | 1505 |
7 | | Vandesteene, Wesley | 234133 | BEL | 1492 |
1 | | Van De Velde, Stijn | 279374 | BEL | 1488 |
9 | | Cotman, Lothar | 255173 | BEL | 1444 |