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WWRR C-Group

Last update 15.02.2024 18:32:28, Creator/Last Upload: De Pluspion Wachtebeke

Starting rank list of players

10Butzen, Robin244392BEL2044
1Vandendriessche, Jan204862BEL2037
3Achtergaele, Koen204323BEL2032
7Van De Perre, Tom209040BEL2006
4De Block, Yordi214175BEL1997
2Boons, Patrick205249BEL1987
6Stuer, Marc203700BEL1987
8Govoreanu, Matei258059BEL1974
9Devecchi, Jorge664022FRA1893
5Roels, Frederik209503BEL1891