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2. Hrvatska liga zapad 2024.

Last update 16.10.2024 17:13:40, Creator/Last Upload: im-ia nenad doric

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team123456789 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1ŠK Crikvenica, Crikvenica * 43492065,5
2ŠK Kraljevica, Kraljevica2 * 24481962,5
3ŠK Batana, Rovinj4 * 2481867,5
4ŠK Rječina, Dražice2 * 34717,545,5
5ŠK Pula-2, Pula4 * 61642,5
6ŠK Gacka, Otočac2 * 32531717,5
7ŠK Karlobag, Karlobag333 * 31427,3
8ŠK Rijeka-2, Rijeka224 * 21217
9ŠK Kastav, Kastav½21 * 210,512

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)