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Selectivo Estatal 2024 Rumbo a la olimpiada nacional de CONADE: 17-20 años Var

Last update 11.02.2024 19:22:31, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos

Starting rank list of players

8Robledo Flores Emanuel51817551952San Luis Potosi
3Marquez Hernandez Jose Alejandro296100951572Cd. Fernandez
4Gonzalez Barrera Charo Rodolfo51676471523San Luis Potosi
7Herrera Vargas Jesus Ivan296100601463Cd. Valles
1Puente Reyna Luis Angel296338851428Matehuala
5Flores Ramirez Luis Angel1349Matehuala
6Camcho Castillo Ivan0Cd. Valles
2Ceballos Zarete Ricardo De Jesus0Cardenas