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Last update 22.02.2024 01:13:59, Creator/Last Upload: Yael de Jesús Santiago Ortiz

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1Velasco Bartolo, Ariel5186099MEX1531CLUB SIGLO XXI
2Espana, Aparicio AleidaMEX1477CLUB SIGLO XXI
3Ortiz, Galindo BrandonMEX1407CBTis 02
4Bautista, Ortiz Edgar AntonioMEX1398IEBO 08
5Torres, Ramirez MauricioMEX1363SEC. SIGLO XXI
6Ramirez, Cruz Aby DairaMEX1347CLUB SIGLO XXI
7Martinez, Vasquez AngelMEX1327SEC. SIGLO XXI
8Lopez, Lopez Abdel AldairMEX1283IEBO 08
9Ojeda, Lopez Itzia MiztiliMEX1278CLUB SIGLO XXI
10Bautista, Lopez RobertoMEX1215CLUB SIGLO XXI
11Ojeda, Lopez Xanat NatividadMEX1194CLUB SIGLO XXI
12Aguilar Santiago, Carmen ElenaMEX0ITT / ICI
13Ayala Coronel, AlbertoMEX0ITT / LAD
14Barboza Lopez, JhoelMEX0PEON SOLITARIO
15Castro Castro, Carlos FabiánMEX0ITSTEPOSCOLULA
16Cruz Agapito, JosiasMEX0SEC. SIGLO XXI
17Cruz Gonzalez, Ceidi ArisbethMEX0ITT / ICI
18Cruz Hernandez, Giovanni MartínMEX0ITSTEPOSCOLULA
19Cruz Ortiz, Sandro MoisesMEX0ITSTEPOSCOLULA
20Galindo Santiago, LesleyMEX0SEC. SIGLO XXI
21Garcia Jose, UzielMEX0ITT / ICI
22Garcia Lopez, Cesar AntonioMEX0IEBO 08
23Garcia Martinez, Alan DavidMEX0ITT / ICI
24Hernadez Santiago, Samuel AbelMEX0ITT / ICI
25Hernandez Miguel, Jorge IvanMEX0ITT / IMEC
26Hernandez Ramon, Edwin JavierMEX0SEC. TECNICA N°96
27Hernandez Ramos, Jared MosiahMEX0ITSTEPOSCOLULA
28Leon Ortiz, LeonelMEX0ITT / ICI
29Lopez Herrera, EsmeraldaMEX0ITSTEPOSCOLULA
30Martinez Gonzalez, Luis FernandoMEX0ITT / ICI
31Montalvo Reyes, Daniela BibianaMEX0ITT / ISC
32Nicolas Mendoza, Diego AldairMEX0ITT / ISC
33Nunes Merino, Sahid DamianMEX0ITT / IMEC
34Ojeda Sanchez, LitzeidiMEX0COBAO 50
35Orozco Garcia, LeviMEX0SEC. SIGLO XXI
36Ortiz Dominguez, ElenaMEX0ITT / LAD
37Ortiz Ortiz, AbelardoMEX0ITT / ISC
38Ortiz Salazar, MarcosMEX0ITT / ICI
39Osorio Cruz, Axel EmirMEX0SEC. SIGLO XXI
40Sanchez Ojeda, NelsonMEX0COBAO 50
41Sanchez Pimentel, Diego YaelMEX0ITT / ICI
42Santiago Garcia, HerculanoMEX0ITT / ICI