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Sommerturnier 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.10.2024 21:02:19, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 324209

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1MMEberle, Peter1978Romanshorn
2MMZwahlen, Christoph1364626SUI1816Romanshorn
3MMMeier, Beat1301624SUI1813Romanshorn
4MMRamsauer, Max1352016SUI1767Romanshorn
5RMZahorskyy, Denys1356712SUI1693Romanshorn
6RMFelber, Reto Marco1555Romanshorn
7RMFaehndrich, Rainer1553Romanshorn
8RMDesku, Nikollë1474Romanshorn
9RMBurger, AndreasSUI1400Romanshorn
10RMScheurer, Melik1538Romanshorn