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Last update 08.02.2024 07:41:43, Creator/Last Upload: JMCC Milenial

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Starting rank

1Abdul Malek,INA0 Al-fath Cerendeu
2Abdul Tobi,INA0SMPN 2 Rumpin
3Adhit,INA0Sekolah High Scope Bintaro
4Ahnaf Farras Adhityaadmaja,INA0SMPN 11
5Aisyah Nurlaila Soedarto,INA0 SMPN 12 Tang-Sel
6Alfariza Yumar,INA0 SMP 8 tangsel
7Ammar,INA0SMP Al-fath BSD
8Brendan Lie,INA0Sekolah Atisa Dipamkara
9Fakhri,INA0Al-fath BSD
10Gery Anderson,INA0 Sekolah Atisa Dipamkara
11Kanara,INA0Al-fath BSD
12Nafis,INA0Al-fath BSD
13Rizky Fajar Rayhan Nurtomo,INA0Sekolah Citra Islami
14Tristan Haidar,INA0SDN Suradita Cisauk
15Valen,INA0Al-fath cerendau
16Veyron Fraser Saerang,INA0Anderson School
17Vincent,INA0Sekolah High Scope
18Zoe Keona,INA0Sekolah High scope bintaro