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Guam National Championship 2024 - Ladies

Senast uppdaterad25.02.2024 02:20:50, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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1Nacario, Ruth31000541GUM1481
2WCMOllet, Myra31000517GUM1429
3Estur, Grace Co31000770GUM1400
4Benzon, Tiffany31001564GUM1383
5Justo, Alexis Rian31002951GUM1277
6Ramas, Carmina Jasmine31001548GUM1242
7Camacho, Natalie Terese31003567GUM0
8Camacho, Noelle Marie31003575GUM0
9Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
10Padrique, Sarah Jennica31003907GUM0
11Tran, Xuan Chi31002900GUM0
12Wang, Ping Yu31003125GUM0
13Wang, Tiffany31002757GUM0
14Balbin, Nicolette31003559GUM0