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Nacionales CONADE 2024 Etapa Regional Mixteca 12 y Menores Femenil

Last update 05.02.2024 22:08:18, Creator/Last Upload: ismael santiago

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Starting rank

1Sanchez, Soriano AmezarithMEX1377Putla
2Jose, Romano Valeria FernandaMEX1302Tlaxiaco
3Ortiz, Lopez Perla AliciaMEX1234Yucuhiti
4Cruz, Lopez PamelaMEX1220Putla
5Castellanos, Hernandez FridaMEX1217Putla
6Ojeda, Lopez Xanat NatividadMEX1194Tlaxiaco
7Fabian, Gonzalez ZuliMEX1154Putla
8Ojeda, Ojeda Perla QuetzallyMEX1124Tlaxiaco
9Casto Guerrero, Alison JuquilaMEX0Huajuapan
10Castro Castro, Dayanna MitzariMEX0Putla
11Jimenez Perez, MildredMEX0Putla
12Ortiz Lopez, Dafne CeciliaMEX0Yucuhiti