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2024 National Championship Qualifiers - South

Last update 03.02.2024 16:31:48, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

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Starting rank list

1Khasipe, KhasipeLES0
2Klaas, TokeloLES0
3Lebele, ThabisangLES0
4Lekau, RamokotjoLES0
5Leluma, SentleLES0
6Mabetha, RapelangLES0
7Machoba, HlomphoLES0
8Machogo, BohlokwaLES0
9Mahloane, LisemaLES0
10Makhalemele, LieketsengLES0
11Maleke, SechabaLES0
12Mapetja, MothopengLES0
13Mashea, ZaneleLES0
14Mojakhomo, KatisoLES0
15Mona, MphetoleLES0
16Motlhokoa, TlotlisangLES0
17Mots'oane, ThabangLES0
18Motumi, MolebatsiLES0
19Nkololo, LungisaneLES0
20Semanama, MotheoLES0
21Thamae, LetileLES0
22Ts'oeunyane, KaraboLES0