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2024 National Qualifying Tournament- Leribe

Senast uppdaterad03.02.2024 15:45:57, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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1Jobo, LehlohonoloLES0
2Kopanye, MoeketsiLES0
3Masupha, SefeaneLES0
4Meili, AbrahamLES0
5Meili, RyanLES0
6Moakhi, NeoLES0
7Mokhakala, MokhakalaLES0
8Mokoroane, RethabileLES0
9Molapo, JoangLES0
10Nate, ThabangLES0
11Ntsielo, LeoanekaLES0
12Sekantsi, PhokengLES0
13Setipe, TsepoLES0
14Souru, KhemisiLES0