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Swieqi Juniors U12 Rapid - February 2024

Last update 10.02.2024 12:44:47, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Stellato, Adrian5604869MLT1343
2Aber, Gianluca5605377MLT0
3Aquilina, Matthew5601444MLT0
4Buttigieg, JuliaMLT0
5Buttigieg, NathanMLT0
6Gatt, DanielMLT0
7Gingell, MatthewMLT0
8Kashar, AbdulMLT0
9Lyu, ZhaoqiMLT0
10Pace, AndreMLT0
11Shephard, KateMLT0
12Spiteri, Samuel5604850MLT0
13Sukys, Laurent Dore5605172MLT0
14Zapucioiu, Thomas Stefan5605296MLT0