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Sunday Rated Rapid Tournament - February

Last update 18.02.2024 22:16:03, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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Starting rank list

1Mathurin, Nathaniel23000139LCA1902
2Gabriel, Sixtus23000180LCA1888
3Richards, Trisann23000058LCA1558
4Bovell, Bernard23000376LCA1545
5Elizee, Kaieem23000392LCA1427
6James, Justin23000422LCA1406
7Smith, Irvin11104759LCA1166
8Charles, Ethan23000660LCA1152
9Wahid, Chelsea23000627LCA1125
10Celestin, Aidan23000708LCA0
11D'Auvergne, Nalini23000724LCA0
12Gilbert, Giana23000651LCA0
13James, Vernesa23000457LCA0
14Joseph, Jamari23000490LCA0
15Regis, Leran23000732LCA0
16Smith, Navi23000694LCA0
17St. Marthe, Avani23000740LCA0
18St. Marthe, Debby23000759LCA0