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Last update 11.02.2024 20:32:40, Creator/Last Upload: Edén López Martínez

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1FMDavalos Prieto, Abel Justo5102766MEX2017Chiapas
2Santiz, Encinos Jorge5126096MEX1995Chiapas
3AIMTorres Verastica, Francisco5114802MEX1984Chiapas
4Gutierrez Balbuena, Romel5106591MEX1934Chiapas
5NMZamudio, Cigarroa Francisc5118018MEX1836Chiapas
6Lopez Cabrera, Ivan Pastor5126045MEX1824Oaxaca
7Del Carpio Gallegos, Gonzalo5180210MEX1796Ciudad De Mexico
8Monjaras Perez, Jose Miguel29626277MEX1726Chiapas
9Garcia, Rivas Andres5175003MEX1689Chiapas
10Guillen Moreno, Karina Guadalupe5163447MEX1633Chiapas
11Herrera, Rojas EuclidesMEX1607Chiapas
12Guillen, Garcia Jose DavidMEX1551Chiapas
13Rufino Torres, David29625602MEX1478Chiapas
14Robles, Guillen SebastianMEX1464Chiapas
15Gutierrez, Gonzalez Miguel AngelMEX1423Chiapas
16Moreno, Samayoa Hector IvanMEX1363Chiapas
17Vazquez, Perez SilvestreMEX1340Chiapas
18Matias, Herrera KevinMEX1338Chiapas
19Reyes, Lievano Roberto5159270MEX1320Chiapas
20Guillen, Rodas Carlos AlberMEX1319Chiapas
21Perez, Perez Jose MiguelMEX1314Chiapas
22Caracheo, Perez Jose LeonardoMEX1302Chiapas
23Morales Flores, AlejandroMEX1301
24Orantes Sanchez, Ananda SofiaMEX1282
25Toledo, Velazquez Carlos AdielMEX1281Chiapas
26Orantes Sanchez, Angel JowaniMEX1196
27Morales, Aleman Carlos IarhiniMEX1184Chiapas
28Garrido, Tipacamu GabrielMEX1176Chiapas
29Reyes, Bautista Joseph Robert5159261MEX1160Tabasco
30Calvo, Espinosa Francisco JMEX1135Chiapas
31Arrevillaga Estrada, Francisco EmmanuelMEX0
32Bravo Diaz, Jose EmmanuelMEX0
33Caracheo Perez, Erick IsaacMEX0
34Castellanos Aguilar, Elias LionelMEX0
35Cruz Gomez, Kevin DarinelMEX0
36Grajales Garcia, Perla del RocioMEX0
37Martinez Suarez, Cristopher EmilianoMEX0
38Montoya Toledo, Santiago NoelMEX0
39Orantes Ruiz, OctavioMEX0
40Torres Rueda, DiegoMEX0