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Interschool Chess Festival 2024 - Under 16 Open

Последња измена16.02.2024 19:57:57, Creator/Last Upload: shiyan7900552@gmail.com

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Коначни поредак након 9 Кола

МјСНоЕкипаПартије   +    =    -  ТБ1  ТБ2  ТБ3 
11Ahmadhiyya International School98011629,50
212Jamaluddin School96121323,50
33Billabong High International School94411221,52
42Aminiya School95221221,50
57Ghiyasuddin International School943211210
617Thaajudheen School841311170
714Majeediyya School94231020,50
86Ghaazee School950410182
913Kalaafaanu School832310180
104Dharumavantha School83231015,50
118Hiriya School93339170
129Huravee School8314915,50
1315Rehendhi School83149130
1410Iskandhar School81256111
155G.Dh. Atoll Education Centre81256111
1611I'zudhdheen School8125690
1716S'alaah'udheen School800825,50

Тие Бреак1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Тие Бреак2: points (game-points)
Тие Бреак3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints