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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Interschool Chess Festival 2024 - Under 10 Open

اخر تحديث16.02.2024 20:00:51, منشئ/آخر رفع:

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الترتيب النهائي بعد 9 جولات

ترتيبرقم البدايةفريقمباراة  +   =   -  حسم تعادل1  حسم تعادل2  حسم تعادل3 
12Aminiya School96211425,50
21Ahmadhiyya International School952212240
36Ghiyasuddin International School94411222,50
416Thaajudheen School944112210
53Billabong High International School94321121,50
65Ghaazee School94321119,50
713Majeediyya School Majeediyya School 942310190
84Dharumavantha School926110190
97Huravee School942310190
1011Jamaluddin School950410180
1114Rehendhi School94149160
128Imaduddin School93157172
139Iskandhar School92347170
1410I'zudhdheen School9216512,50
1512Kalaafaanu School91264100
1615S'alaah'udheen School900906,50

حسم تعادل1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
حسم تعادل2: points (game-points)
حسم تعادل3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints