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Hokkaido Chess Championship 2024

Last update 29.03.2024 13:45:33, Creator/Last Upload: Sapporo Chess Club

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Starting rank list

1Yamaguchi, ToseiJPN1940
2Shinoda, TaroJPN1911
3Sugimoto, KoichiJPN1864
4Yoshii, YukihikoJPN1644
5Kawamura, TakutoJPN1601
6Aoki, YasuhiroJPN1598
7Nishimori, ToshiyukiJPN1570
8Hasegawa, EmiJPN1417
9Nakamura, MitsuruJPN1406
10Takeuchi, HiroshiJPN1388
11Miyatani, RyoheiJPN1313
12Ito, KatsuhideJPN1199
13Shimomura, KenseiJPN1199
14Furuse, MizukiJPN1157
15Kuramoto, koutarouJPN0
16Ono, YukikoJPN0
17Shishido, KentaJPN0