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2nd classical round robin of toKYO

Last update 12.02.2024 11:56:13, Creator/Last Upload: Kohei Yamada

Starting rank list of players

8Matsuyama, Koya7002980JPN1938
10Okabe, Yuma7004419JPN1937
7Shioguchi, Tatsuya7000669JPN1931
6Furuya, Masahiro7001606JPN1926
3Katsuta, Yuki7002157JPN1911
2Saito, Hiromasa7003200JPN1862
1Tamura, Hikaru7004060JPN1800
5Kuroda, Yunosuke7004567JPN1768
4Kanda, Daigo7000456JPN1745
9Kimura, Ryota7002971JPN1701