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Chess Bidak Beracun Series Cup

Last update 03.02.2024 09:55:09, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

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Starting rank

1CMIwan Dunggio,INA0
2NMGeorge Lamia,INA0
3NMZulkifly Pakaya,INA0
4Adam Nani,INA0
5Irfan Ibrahim,INA0
6Alex Pusung,INA0
7Anto Mantiri,INA0
8Ar Mentemas,INA0
9Arif Husain,INA0
10Berry Rang,INA0
11Brave Lumunon,INA0
12Deki L,INA0
13Djemmy Rawung,INA0
14Ely Pusung,INA0
15Denny Kango,INA0
16Karim Husain,INA0
17Hendrik Janis,INA0
18Michael Rondonuwu,INA0
19Hard Ruusen,INA0
20Madjid Pakaya,INA0
21Ofhie Mawuntu,INA0
22Husain Malangi,INA0
23Recky Lumombo,INA0
24Ridwan Zakaria,INA0
25Tommy Winowatan,INA0
26Yusuf Laiya,INA0