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[360833] II IRT Sub 1800 Cidade de Rio Verde

Darrera actualització28.02.2024 03:14:44, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Rànquing inicial

1NMCassio Roberto, SOPKO185042167867BRA17821899Brasilia Df
2Claudio Santos, SERGIO FILHO2942107678BRA17741947Goiania Go
3Uelton Fabricius Alves, REZENDE1002139090BRA17691971Jatai Go
4Paulo Sergio, COSTA271592125560BRA17171844Quirinopolis Go
5Luis Miguel Gouveia, MACHADO5121022724800BRA16951865Jatai Go
6NMIvo Pereira De, ARRUDA FILHO18162108852BRA16891950Goiania Go
7Fabiano De Lima, TEIXEIRA379142145847BRA16611829Jatai Go
8Otavio Moraes, CAMPOS298882110725BRA16251850Rio Verde Go
9Edson Ricardo, BOCCA306362145790BRA16321867Rio Verde Go
10Ruiago, VIEIRA6719322788484BRA15971807Rio Verde Go
11Pedro, HITIRO MATSUNAGA2896244767200BRA15771800Goiania Go
12Matheus Vieira, GONCALVES7685944731981BRA15361822Rio Verde Go
13Lange Cristina, MATSUNAGA445712186098BRA14661900wGoiania Go
14Ykaro Paiva, MENDES7406744732988BRA14351792Goiania Go
15Pedro Vinicius Branquinho, MOTA6639622786694BRA13541791Rio Verde Go
16Pablo De Araujo, FERREIRA6597244732970BRA12831764Goiania Go
17Elvis Souza, DE FREITAS5750022753729BRA12811758Rio Verde Go
18Marianne Barbosa, VALCARCEL4813022705376BRA12361710wBrasilia Df
19Arthur Henrique M. Pereira, DE SOUZA85261BRA01800Rio Verde Go
20Bernardo Colares De Sena, ROSA84908BRA01800Rio Verde Go
21Joao Vyctor De Souza Ramos, CASTRO85360BRA01800Rio Verde Go
22Kaiky Ramos, MARTINS84159BRA01800Rio Verde Go
23Nilson Silveira Prado, CARVALHO85145BRA01800Rio Verde Go
24Paulo Ricardo Baggio, SIMEONI85238BRA01800Rio Verde Go
25Ricardo Neves, BORGES37569BRA01800Rio Verde Go
26Fernando Machado B, DE LIMA7696144743769BRA01794Rio Verde Go
27Douglas Carvalho, OLIVEIRA3971922789812BRA01791Goiania Go
28Jessica Mota, DE OLIVEIRA7260444732007BRA01777wGoiania Go
29Pedro Igor Goncalves, MELO7002044701780BRA01764Itumbiara Go
30Sidenil Jose, DOS SANTOS7385444718250BRA01763Rio Verde Go
31Maria Cecilia De Oliveira, VALCARCEL6672544705379BRA01751wBrasilia Df
32Joao Pedro Goncalves, MELO7015644701772BRA01737Itumbiara Go
33Ricardo Antonio, DOS SANTOS FILHO8185544755635BRA01719Rio Verde Go
34Ricardo Antonio, DOS SANTOS8207044755627BRA01714Rio Verde Go
35Fabio De Moraes Vaz, DA SILVA7648744731973BRA01695Rio Verde Go