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Loyalis Bambu YSK Sulawesi Utara

Last update 27.01.2024 11:19:54, Creator/Last Upload: WACANA_2023

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Starting rank

1NMHans Pusung,INA0
2Amrafel Tendean,INA0
3Arthur Kings,INA0
4Iwan Dunggio,INA0
5Jeffry Saikat,INA0
6Leo Kantjai,INA0
7Ricky Mapanaung,INA0
8Rudy Tummion,INA0
9Stenly Rotie,INA0
10Yuda Lumempouw,INA0
11Jendral YSK,INA0
12Boy Rakian,INA0
13Brave Lumunon,INA0
15Michael Kuntag,INA0
16Pipim Fals,INA0