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2024 South Wales Winter Blitz

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.01.2024 14:12:59, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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1FMToczek, Grzegorz1106457WLS2123
2James, Dai1801155WLS1699
3Jones, Steve1802216WLS1678
4Blackmore, Simon1803808WLS1647
5Ghorpade, Shreyas466454971636
6Liesniek, Nikita1806610WLS1634
7Winter, AngusWLS1505
8Zhuravlev, Andrei1806548WLS1504
9Belochkin, David1806220WLS1444
10Tomaszewski, Tomasz1806203WLS1420
11Prabhu, Vismith1806475WLS1339
12Anandkumar, Govind1805690WLS1334
13Murthy, Arush1806513WLS1280
14Zheng, Lucas1806327WLS1280
15Francis, William1807099WLS961
16Jenney, Tomos1807145WLS926
17Francis, Emyr Wyn1806939WLS908
18McGrath, EthanWLS883
19Burton, HenryWLS579
20Baudin, LucWLS0
21Thomas, Gruff1807536WLS0