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Nacionales CONADE 2024 Etapa Regional Valles Centrales 13 - 16 Femenil

Last update 29.01.2024 00:20:12, Creator/Last Upload: ismael santiago

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Starting rank

1NMMontano Vicente, Guadalupe5181399MEX1790Oaxaca
2Castellanos Miguel, Mariana5129648MEX1579Oaxaca
3Vasquez, Reyes Matzuri NaomiMEX1306Oaxaca
4Cruz Garcia, Martha RebecaMEX0
5Cruz Gomez, KeilaMEX0
6Flores Trejo, Matilda ReginaMEX0
7Garcia Garcia, Daniela BelemMEX0
8Martinez Morales, AlexandraMEX0
9Ramirez Ramos, Eimy AndreaMEX0
10Rodriguez Torres, Elizabeth AbrilMEX0
11Sanchez Velasco, Iara NixieMEX0