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Enroques Educativos Cat Primaria

Last update 01.02.2024 00:43:14, Creator/Last Upload: Faustino Ramon Munoz Galindo

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1Martinez, Garcia Hector CuauhtemocMEX1416Campeche
2Dorantes, Arcique AlmaMEX1237Campeche
3Garcia, Ramirez Jair AlejandroMEX1222Campeche
4Davalos, Hub Japhet AlexanderMEX1206
5Aguilar, Perez Miguel ArcidesMEX1204Campeche
6Cruz, Jimenez AnibalMEX1203Campeche
7Gomez, Solis Alonso EmilianoMEX1081Campeche
8Clemente León, RafaelMEX0
9Ferraez Paz, Harahel AciscloMEX0cam