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Tournoi d'echecs du Lycee Francais Bonaparte Doha

Վերջին արդիացում26.01.2024 18:18:24, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar chess association (License 1)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Abderrahmen, Almaw6eme
2Abderrahmen, ElynewCm1d
3Abderraouf, MerdassiCm2 C
4Abid, AnaiswCm1b
5Acloque, LucienCe1
6Adam, AbdelgawadCe1 D
7Adem, MiledCe2a
8Ali, Nour6eme D
9Amir, ZouariCe2f
10Asma, Ben CheikhwCe2
11Bejaoui, Youssef
12Benhajar, AliCe 1 B
13Birot, EloiCe2f
14Birot, SixteCe1
15Boufares, MyralCm2c
16Cano, Romain6eme E
17Conier, LouisewCe1 D
18Delort, SantyCm2b
19Dominguez, GaelCe1
20Dupuis, MaelCm1e
21Dutilleux, Antoine6eme A
22Farah, JohnCm1 B
23Forbin, AymericCm1 D
24Ghadban, NazihCe2
25Haddadi, HaydenCe1d
26Hamdouchi, Adam5eme D
27Hamdouchi, LinawCe2c
28Joud, Abou El Khoudoud6A
29Junayd, Lazhar6eme F
30Keriakos, LiamCm1e
31Khalil, OmarCm2f
32Kibboua, Elias6eme B
33Lescaroux, Archibald
34Lescaroux, ArthurCm1 E
35Longis, ÉmileCp C
36Longis, HugoCe 2 A
37Marichez, AlexandreTg3
38Martin, Ahishakiye GansemanCpb
39Moreau, Lucas6eme A
40Morin, Vadim
41Nahon, SarahwCm2 B
42Neil, BenmansourCm2
43Oudjhara, Adam1ere
44Oudjhara, AlexandreCm1b
45Ouriemchi, Amine2n2
46Parisse, ValentinCe2f
47Philippon, CharlesCm2 F
48Prosper, BarackCm1 E
49Raad, HassanCm2 E
50Ragoonanan-Storph, Darius5A
51Reka, AmmarCM2
52Salha, Alain6eme C
53Salha, AlexandreSeconde 3
54Sayegh, RalphCm1
55Sealy, Aedhan6eme
56Sleiman, William AliCm2d
57Smaoui, Rayen
58Thevenin, LucasCe1 E
59Tristan, Tshibangu RojanskiCm1a
60Wolfert, MikaCe1a
61Yassine, Riadh Daoud5 B
62Youssef, BechirCe1 D
63Zad, MouslmaniCe1-D