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2024 National Team Selection 1st Qualifier- Ladies Section

Last update 29.01.2024 16:32:04, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1WCMGabatshwarwe, Refilwe11312734BOT1717
2Malebogo, Keleapere11303905BOT1568
3WCMMoshoboro, Sharell Arona11315920BOT1521
4Rebatenne, Boitshepo11301503BOT1495
5WCMMosweu, Atlang Amolemo11314907BOT1483
6Radikoro, Boitumelo11301597BOT1418
7Maya, Otimile11321644BOT1314
8Mhate, Lame11313048BOT1290
9WCMMoshoboro, Laone Phoebe11314699BOT1274
10Gorata, Mere11319739BOT1255
11Lorato, Dolly Thapelo11302828BOT1255
12Motlhako, Kaone11318201BOT1224
13Gosego, Moseja11321652BOT1135
14Monthe, Bame11325577BOT1051
15Kgatitswe, Sameea Kamillah11327430BOT1042
16Boitshwaro, KagoBOT0
17Fidzani, Ame AtangBOT0
18Ikutlweng, MichelleBOT0
19Impala, RosinahBOT0
20Kekgathetse, KagoBOT0
21Kekgathetse, KaoneBOT0
22Kumako, Boikobo11328169BOT0
23Modutlwa, Gaesi11323787BOT0
24Motlhatlhedi, KutloBOT0
25Muisi, KatlegoBOT0
26Ngwako, AnnitaBOT0
27Otimile, Melisa11324678BOT0
28Rampaafela, Kegope BoineeloBOT0
29Sehularo, Queen Mitchell11324953BOT0
30Tlhabane, Nelly OmphemetseBOT0