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Segundo Encuentro de Ajedrez del Club Policial Tacuarembó

Last update 20.02.2024 22:50:46, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1Garcia Martinez, Alvaro3000435URU2190S50Salto
2Perez Selios, Luis3014207URU1805S50Trebejos
3Paula, William3001598URU1696S50Paysandu
4Scotto, Oscar3018504URU1658
5Aguirre, Romin3015963URU1655Trebejos
6Paz, Franco3011046URU1647Cerro
7Castagnet, Carlos3010805URU1612S65Trebejos
8Llabres, Miguel3003558URU1598S50La Proa
9Ferreira, Lucas3015955URU1566Trebejos
10Tramutolo, Gustavo3003159URU1472S65Cerro
11Sagardoy, Alejo3002306URU1387S65Trebejos
12Arias Vera, Nahuel9002470URU0U18
13De Mello Rosas, Osmar9002471URU0U65
14Diaz, Santiago3026728URU0U10
15Dutra Lobato, Vinicius9002472URU0
16Godoy Bornia, Matias9002473URU0U20
17Heguaburu, Benjamin9002474URU0U14
18Mila, Rafael3015130URU0
19Pauluk, Lucas3020231URU0U18
20Peralta, Mariano3020045URU0
21Ramirez, Wilson3017982URU0
22Reinoso, Tomas3019330URU0U18
23Rios Ferreira, Julian3024857URU0
24Rios, Gaston9002475URU0
25Rodriguez Gonzalez, Adrian3018458URU0Trebejos
26Rodriguez, Lorenzo3020258URU0U14