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JUGEND OPEN Schnellschachturnier U08

Darrera actualització21.01.2024 17:20:46, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Grazyna Bakalarz

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Rànquing inicial

1Classen, Meara34626956GER1282wU08SG Trier
2Jareer, Kenz1200U08Le Cavalier Differdange
3Lian, Chengyu1200U08Caïssa Junglinster
4Mahendran, Mithran4008898LUX1200U07Le Cavalier Differdange
5Tafratova, Yuliia1200wU07 Le Cavalier Differdange
6Wagner, Mathis1200U08Cercle d’Échecs Mertert-Wasserbilli
7Dowgialo, Franciszek0
8Heydarov, Mikayil0U08