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JUGEND OPEN Schnellschachturnier U10 Վերջին արդիացում21.01.2024 17:21:17, Creator/Last Upload: Grazyna Bakalarz
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Tiuca, Emma | 4007549 | LUX | 1187 | w | U10 | Tuerm a Sprénger Matt Schëffleng |
2 | | Guzdziol, Olaf | 4007840 | LUX | 1010 | | U10 | Chess Atmosphere Manternach |
3 | | Chandrasekaran, Rishaan | | | 1200 | | U10 | Le Cavalier Differdange |
4 | | Golec, Sebastien | 4007816 | LUX | 1200 | | U10 | Chess Atmosphere Manternach |
5 | | Griner, Aaron | | | 1200 | | U10 | Chess Lions Bertrange |
6 | | Manikandan, Advaith | 4007662 | LUX | 1200 | | U10 | Le Cavalier Differdange |
7 | | Reddy, Handyalu Kiran | 4008014 | LUX | 1200 | | U09 | Le Cavalier Differdange |
8 | | Tanul-Stefanut, Adela Ana-Maria | | | 1200 | w | U09 | Cercle d’Échecs Mertert-Wasserbilli |
9 | | Maczynski, Alexander | | | 0 | | U09 | |