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Torneo del Pavo

Last update 21.01.2024 03:46:30, Creator/Last Upload: AO NadirZazueta

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Starting rank

1Zazueta, Martinez Nadir5126541MEX1970Campeche
2Medina Reyes, Stefano5185416MEX1713Campeche
3Horta Pacheco, Emiliano5185742MEX1577Campeche
4Jimenez, Maldonado Santiago Del Angel396217428FID1501Campeche
5Tun, May Sergio EmilianoMEX1484Campeche
6Pacheco, Gomez Kevin AdrianMEX1469Campeche
7Tun, Mas Victor DavidMEX1391Campeche
8Canabal, Velueta Jose AngelMEX1292
9Flores Rodriguez, Rohan ArturoMEX0
10Saldivar Martinez, Ronni OrlandoMEX0
11Sanchez Torres, CarlosMEX0
12Sosa Blazquez, AloisioMEX0