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CICF National Classical Qualifier 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 21.01.2024 22:53:34, Creator/Last Upload: CICF
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Blake, Damarrow | 33100470 | CAY | 0 | |
2 | | Bush, Enfield | 7404662 | CAY | 1209 | N/A |
3 | | Dimitrov, Lyubomir | 33100071 | CAY | 0 | |
4 | | Dookhy, Sastry | 33100349 | CAY | 1358 | |
5 | | Lualhati, Jay-Ar | 33100390 | CAY | 1672 | |
6 | | Martin, Israel | 33100292 | CAY | 1209 | |
7 | | Mcdonald, Mike | 2635682 | CAY | 1742 | |
8 | | O'rourke, Aidan | 33100268 | CAY | 1115 | |
9 | | Powell, Malcolm | 7404719 | CAY | 1202 | |
10 | | Sinton, Luc | 33100098 | CAY | 1077 | Cayman Prep & High |