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72e Open Mensuel d'Echecs de Lome (OMEL 72)

Darrera actualització24.01.2024 11:48:48, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Togo Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Egbe, Kossi Thierry21201510TOG1748
2Semeko, Lumen Paco21204160TOG1700
3Ajavon, Ayayi Jean Le Clair21200394TOG1600
4Amediame, Jacques21204667TOG1260
5Bledje, Benito21205051TOG1277
6Etey, Yaovi Agusto21201021TOG1498
7Assagba, Kodjo Mawuli21200211TOG1354
8Doumassi, Kodjovi Folly Corazon21204586TOG1297
9Perezi, Edna Firmin21204241TOG1296
10Kabiya, Aklesso Richard21204217TOG1217
11Ndjelle-Abby, Loic Gnimdou21204888TOG1146
12Kponsou, Afiwa21204047TOG1124
13Agbekponou, Jules Akuete21205175TOG0
14Akakpo, Kossi Arnold21205485TOG0
15Date, Datevi Abel Sitsope21205493TOG0
16Douti, Monipake Alain21205507TOG0
17Lokou, Kofi Emile21205515TOG0
18Rafieferantsiaronjy, Aro Stan21205396TOG0
19Anani, Henoc Mawuenyegan Komi21205035TOG0
20Botsoe, Koffi21200025TOG1522